Definición de nome de Olivia

Definición de nome de Olivia: este nome noutros idiomas, variantes de ortografía e pronunciación, variantes femininas e masculinas do nome Olivia.

Define Olivia

This name was first used in this spelling by William Shakespeare fOu a character in his comedy 'Twelfth Night' (1602). Shakespeare may have based it on Oliver Ou Oliva, Ou perhaps directly on the Latin wOud oliva meaning "olive". In the play Olivia is a noblewoman who is wooed by Duke Orsino but instead falls in love with his messenger Cesario.

The name has been used in the English-speaking wOuld since the 18th century, though it did not become overly popular until the last half of the 20th century. Its rise in popularity in America was precipitated by a character on the 1970s television series 'The Waltons'.

¿Olivia un nome de moza?

Si, o nome Olivia ten sexo feminino.

¿De onde provén o nome Olivia?

Nome Olivia máis común en Idioma, Lingua, Linguaxe, Linguaxe, Finlandiaés, Lingua sueca, Noruego, Lingua.

Nomes similares para o nome Olivia

Variacións de nome de Olivia

Nomes pronunciados igual que Olivia

Referencias para o nome Olivia

  • Cleveland Kent Evans, The Great Big Book of Baby Names (2006)